Who Answers in Tarot?

                  Oftentimes Tarot card readers use phrases like "let's ask the cards!" or "the cards are saying it" or the all time favorite "the cards never lie!" Other times people getting readings say "can I ask your cards about so and so?" or "if your cards say no, I won't do it". This can be utterly amusing because clearly we are talking about pieces of paper with images on them......aren't we? What are the cards saying and where are those messages coming from?

It is true that the cards have general meanings, which may vary from reader to reader, but when you ask questions to the cards, who's answering? The truth is there are as many theories as there are readers when it comes to understanding where the messages from the card come from. The ones that follow are a few of the most accepted ones.

Angels or Higher Beings:

This school of thought claims that messages from the cards come from Angelic entities and/or Higher Beings (Ascended Masters).  Because the Tarot has been associated with many different cultures and religious practices like Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism), Christianity, Egyptian religion, etc. Some people believe that (depending on the system they follow) the answers come from entities from these pantheons based on associations assigned to each of the cards. These entities are thought to direct and guide us in our journey and oftentimes are prayed to for guidance before a reading. There are actually many decks that have been designed with this idea behind them (i.e. Angel Tarot cards, Ascended Masters Tarot Cards,  Kwan Yin Tarot, Egyptian Tarot, etc)

Ancestors and Spirit Guides:

This school of thought believes the messages received come from their (or the clients) Ancestors and/or Spirit Guides. This belief is (loosely) based on the practice of Spiritualism where the belief of life after death is the main tenet. According to this practice, when we die our spirits continue to exist and we able to provide information and guidance to those still on the living plane. Thus all our relatives that have passed on become our ancestors. The reader believes that their ancestors are the ones to pray to for guidance before a reading and they are the ones responding through the cards. Similar to this, is the idea of Spirit Guides. Spirit Guides are believed to be spirits of those who have passed on that have a certain mission with us and they accompany us from the time we are born until we die or that come to assist us at specific times in our lives and stay for a specific amount of time. Readers that hold these beliefs usually have very specific ways to call upon these entities and ask that they provide the answers that are requested. (i.e. specific prayers, candle burning, invocations, etc.)

Collective Unconscious:

This school of thought is somewhat based on the idea of the "Collective Unconscious"  theory coined by psychologist Carl Jung and believes the messages come from such "collective" which can be accessed through the archetypes and symbols represented in the cards.  The main idea is that we all have similar experiences and patterns that can be reflected in the cards and the message arises from these. There are actually several books that explore Jungian psychology in relationship to the cards.

Our Higher Self:

This school of thought holds the belief that we have a Higher Self that always has access to our past, present and future as it does not dwell in our linear timeline. This Higher Self can access information from the so-called "Akashic Records"(metaphysical term popularized by Theosophy) which are kinda like files that hold all the information that pertains to us from this lifetime and also past lives and sometimes future lives.

Our Consciousness:

This one is pretty much self explanatory. The idea is that the messages we receive come from within our own self and that by act of shuffling we are unconsciously choosing which cards represent our reality and give meaning to our questions.

So you see? There is actually not just one single way of defining where messages come from when reading cards. I hope this gave you a glimpse on some of the many theories that exist today. And even though it is always a good idea to investigate and learn, I think the most important thing when it comes to readings is not necessarily where the message came from, but its usefulness and practical application to our lives.

May you always find the answers you need!


Chris Onareo


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