Finding solace in "The Hermit"


              The Hermit is the 9th Major Arcana in Tarot. It is traditionally associated with going inwards and with shining light into ourselves, as it is usually depicted holding a lantern. As one of the Majors, it speaks to us about the "big stuff" that goes on in our lives. The number 9 gives us a bit more insight on what this card is also about: transformation. The lantern that is being held by the Hermit is none other than our ability to shed light into the darkest places of ourselves and also into those parts often ignored when we are being entertained by the outer word. This week we are being faced as a collective with a pandemic, which is forcing us to go inside and stay inside as a mean of stopping the spread of the disease. This has caused so much distress in many, if not all, people around the world and can be very unsettling to those who live in major cities and are not all that used to being inside for long periods of time.

I came up with the following short spread which is intended to help us navigate this time with ourselves in the best way possible as a tool of self awareness and empowerment. I call it the "Finding Solace in the Hermit" spread.  You can use this spread for yourself and also with your clients if you read professionally.  You can have a journal next to you so you can jot down your first impressions on the cards that you pick.

Take a deep breath and tune into the energy of the deck. Locate the Hermit card in your deck and place it in the center of your reading space. Then ask the question: What are 2 fears I need to face during this time? and shuffle your deck. You can proceed to pick to cards in any way which you feel comfortable: cutting the cards in 2 piles or fanning the cards and picking two.  Whatever makes most sense to you.  Place those 2 cards to the left of the Hermit, which in most decks is holding the lantern into that direction. Then ask the question: What are 2 lessons I learn from facing these fears? Re-shuffle your deck and pick 2 cards and place them to the right side of the Hermit. (As seen on image below.) 

In this sample reading you can see Fear #1 as the King of Swords: I interpret this as being too alert, rigid, perhaps being too neurotic to the point of not allowing myself to feel emotions during this time. Fear #2: 9 of wands gives off the same vibe of being worried to the extent of not resting, which can in turn make me sick.

Lesson #1: The Strengh : Being able to harness my raw thoughts and feelings so to remain calm, cool and collected while allowing my feelings to be expressed.
Lesson #2: 10 of Swords reversed: Embracing the fact that things aren't always as bad as they might seem and that the feeling of defeat dissipates as we sit with it.

 Now, look at your cards. Are there any patterns you see? Repeat numbers? Repeat suits? Really go in and see what you discover about yourself and your current fears and how you can work through them during this uncertain times.  Take good care of yourselves, stay inside and don't be afraid to go in. You will only find a familiar face: your own. 

Love Always,



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